They were vanilla caramel cake with vanilla caramel frosting and fondant decorations. Yum.
In other family activity news, Anton is still just waiting around to find out what they are going to do with him. First they tried to tell him that he couldn't separate. But when they finally figured out that wasn't true they moved on to saying he was going to have to pay back his enlistment bonus. Now, we know that isn't going to happen, but we have to wait for them to figure that out. They really don't want him to drop out of the program. Some Admiral way up in the upper echelons of the Navy even said unofficially they would give him a year off if it would make a difference in him staying. I guess of all the Warrants he has the best scores on all of his flights, which is interesting since he was sick on all of them. So until everyone figures out what is going on he just stays home everyday with us. It's nice.
We've been using this time to our advantage, and since the weather is finally getting cooler (as in the 80's rather than the 90's) we decided to head outside yesterday. We hadn't been geocaching in a while so that what we did. Our first cache was out at an archaeological dig near here. Anton and I both got ant bites looking for it but find it we did. Here we are mid search:

Last night we had dinner with our friends. It's so nice to have friends for real and it's going to stink when we have to move.
Other than that I've just been working on more cake stuff. I'm doing one for a baby shower on Friday. I'll of course post pictures of it when it's done. Have a good one!
Oh, those minicakes are the cutest ever! I'm not sure if I'd even dare to eat them coz they look so pretty..! ;) And that geocaching sounds like really fun! I guess it's also quite a good excuse to get up from the computer and spend some time outdoors.. :)
I've been reading the cake posts and i have to say: they look awesome. Keep practicing, you have a future!
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