On Friday we decided to go find some fun. Anton remembered seeing a fishing museum once when we were driving around so we figured that was as good a place as any. It was a little over an hour away. Can you tell we are getting more and more desperate for things to do? We keep driving farther and farther.
So we get to the fishing museum. It's pretty small. Just one room with a bunch of fish down the middle and on the walls. Alex was really enthralled by them:

You can practically hear this guy yelling for help:

"They've got me pinned up on this wall and I can't get down!"
Ella and Alex had a fun time saying all the silly fish names. I had to video it for posterity:
Aren't they cute? Ella really loved that Mola Mola. She posed with Daddy with it:

I learned that the fish we all know as a mahi-mahi (and is super tasty to eat) is actually called a Dolphin fish. Not to be confused with the dolphin mammal. It has a blunt head and is an iridescent green blue color. Very pretty. But not so pretty that I won't be eating it again.
After getting bored with the dead fish we headed up the street to eat at the Hard Rock Cafe. Anton has to eat at them all. He collects the glasses. I think I've said that before. So here we are at the Hard Rock:

The restaurant was in a really cool shopping center. And since it has been ages since we have been anywhere near a really cool shopping center we decided to wander around. First we went to Bass Pro Shop so the kids could see some live fish.

We probably could've skipped the museum all together and just gone there and the kids would have been happy.

We found the coolest play area in the shopping center. All the toys, slides, the ground, everything, was squishy. So if you fell you wouldn't get hurt. Very cool.

They had a little train that drove around there too, but it cost $3 per person to ride. We are cheap. Therefore, we hopped on the free trolley that also drives around the shopping center. I like free and the kids didn't know the difference.

Then we found what made the whole trip worth while. A Cold Stone. It had been over a year since we had eaten there and even though it was a bit cold outside we didn't let that stop us. I had a Ghirardelli chocolate with Ghirardelli carmel squares with Ghirardelli chocolate chips. Yummm. But since it was cold we also had to go to the Starbucks next door so Anton could get a Carmel Apple Cider. So much yummy goodness.
Then we were all worn out and it was time to head home.
Saturday Ella went to a really fun bug themed birthday party. Sunday everyone started to get sick. Today it has hit me. Yuck. Stuffy nose. But it was such a nice day we decided to take a picnic to the park and have fun. The kids really needed to get out.
And that about does it. The only other news is that I've signed up to begin training to be a scopist. I'm sure you have never heard of it, but I can do it from home and make good money while Anton goes to school. If he goes to school. If we ever get out of the military.
You guys are always out exploring. It must be nice to have warmer weather living in the south. Oh wait, we're getting into the mid-60s today. That's pretty nice I suppose. Once the rain stops and the fog clears maybe I'll take off for a walk with the baby. As for our move, it was just a base house switch to a new unit a block away. Now we're even closer to where you used to live, but across the street still (if you know what I mean). Please explain what a scopist is.
Those fishes look quite cool and the video is too cute! I can't believe Alex is so big cuz he looked much more like a baby before I went to Africa. But I guess growing up is what kids do and there's plenty of time to grow up in four months.. ;)
Oh man, you make me miss Destin! We went there practically every week at the end of my pregnancy. It's the best memories I have of Florida. And that shopping center was our favorite--we just wandered around there forever. Have you tried Baytown yet? It's a fun little place to walk around, just a little further up that road than Destin. Also the place where the Truman Show was filmed is up by Destin somewhere and I hear it's fun. If you get bored again, there's my ideas. :)
Awesome photos! I like how it looks like the fish is about to give Ella a smooch!
dEFINITELY WIN THE AARD FOR THE BUSYBODIES!! oops caps was on!!! have fun!!
That looks like fun!! I love the picture of Ella standing in the circle thingy looking at fish! Cute! I love the south's warm winters!! Gotta love being able to play outside!! Do it now before it get's too blazen hot!!
I think the Mola Mola was the best one
You're so great to do video and pictures! You're multi-media!
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