Monday, October 20, 2008

One Talent That Passed Me By

There is a woman who's blog I read that makes AMAZING clothes and dresses and then gives them away! Can you believe it? I couldn't do that for a number of reasons, one, everything I sew has a tendancy to fall apart in 5 minutes, two, it would take me weeks to make one thing, and three, I really don't like sewing. Just ask my mother-in-law who spent a week trying to get me to help her with a quilt. I somehow missed getting that particular gene from my mother, who is a sewing fool. So in an attempt to get one of the amazing creations by this fabulous blogger, I am linking to her here:

Grosgrain: Marie-Thérèse Gown GIVEAWAY!!!!

Check it out. You'll be amazed too.