I've made another fun set of painted papers. They are yours for the taking, all I ask is that you take 2 seconds and head over to Holly's blog and vote for me to be on her creative team. It only takes 2 seconds and it would mean a lot to me. Thanks so much!
Monday, April 30, 2007
I need your vote!
I can't believe it but I am one of the top 6 nominees for Holly McCaig's CT! Thank you to everyone who nominated me! Now I need your help again. I need your votes! Please go to Holly's blog here, and vote for me! I'm very behind in the voting right now so I need all the help I can get! Thank you so much!
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Fabulous Page!
I love this time of night after all my family has gone to sleep. I'm at my most productive. I had to try out a new kit I got, Jessica Bolton's Outnumbered Girl. If you haven't seen this yet you should go check it out here. Very cool kit. I also wanted to try and make a page like you see all over nowadays with elements everywhere. So here is my attempt:
Credits here.
I love it! So colorful and crazy, and well, FAB!! I bought my daughter those dress-up clothes for Crhistmas, and after she put them on I realized they were really scanky! Who makes dress-up clothes like that for little girls! Oh well. At least she won't be trying to leave the house like that, at least not until she's a teenager.
Today was pretty calm after the mad dash to get to church on time. The kids napped all afternoon and Anton and I computered. I played more with the paint stuff and have kindof got another freebie in the works. We'll see.
I'm debating whether or not I should drive out to my sister's this week. She lives about 6 hours away in Louisiana. She's just getting into digiscrapping and we've been racking up a lot of hours on our cell phones. A few days in person would make a pro of her I'm sure. So we'll see. Anton has a couple of tests this week so it might be nice for him to have us out of his hair. Who knows.
But I'm going to go surf the net for a bit before finally giving up my free time and heading to bed. Tomorrow already feels like it's going to be a Monday.
I love it! So colorful and crazy, and well, FAB!! I bought my daughter those dress-up clothes for Crhistmas, and after she put them on I realized they were really scanky! Who makes dress-up clothes like that for little girls! Oh well. At least she won't be trying to leave the house like that, at least not until she's a teenager.
Today was pretty calm after the mad dash to get to church on time. The kids napped all afternoon and Anton and I computered. I played more with the paint stuff and have kindof got another freebie in the works. We'll see.
I'm debating whether or not I should drive out to my sister's this week. She lives about 6 hours away in Louisiana. She's just getting into digiscrapping and we've been racking up a lot of hours on our cell phones. A few days in person would make a pro of her I'm sure. So we'll see. Anton has a couple of tests this week so it might be nice for him to have us out of his hair. Who knows.
But I'm going to go surf the net for a bit before finally giving up my free time and heading to bed. Tomorrow already feels like it's going to be a Monday.
Updated look!
So I decided to try and change my blog up a bit and after some trial and error I did it! I made a new header, added a photo of me over there <--- and added my custom blinkie for the SBG Queen of the Crop contest. How fun! But I just looked at the time and we have to leave for church in 45 minutes and no one has showered! Yikes!!
Saturday, April 28, 2007
A new page.
Got some scrapping done tonight. I did a page of Ella's fun expressions. My favorite is the big one. She looks so goofy!

Credits here.
I used mira's newest freebie Bouquet of Roses. It's cool, go check it out here. She also posted one of my pages on there that I made with another of her kits. I feel famous!
We had a bunch of plans for today but didn't end up doing 2 of the three things. We were all feeling a bit cranky. The one activity we did go to, we were told there would be child care, but when we got there discovered that there wasn't. Since having kids there kindof ruined it we ended up leaving early. So much for that. But hubby is sighing deeply from the next room indicating that he would like to go to bed. Please look at my post below, and if you can, nominate me for Holly McCaig's CT! Thanks!
Credits here.
I used mira's newest freebie Bouquet of Roses. It's cool, go check it out here. She also posted one of my pages on there that I made with another of her kits. I feel famous!
We had a bunch of plans for today but didn't end up doing 2 of the three things. We were all feeling a bit cranky. The one activity we did go to, we were told there would be child care, but when we got there discovered that there wasn't. Since having kids there kindof ruined it we ended up leaving early. So much for that. But hubby is sighing deeply from the next room indicating that he would like to go to bed. Please look at my post below, and if you can, nominate me for Holly McCaig's CT! Thanks!
Will you please nominate me?
Holly McCaig is having a Ct call, but she's doing it through nominations. Whoever gets the five most nominations will then be voted on to fill her CT opening. If you would be so kind as to nominate me I would greatly appreciate it! Here's what you have to do:
Edited to remove personal data.
It has to be submitted by the 29th (tomorrow, Sunday).
Thank you so much for doing this for me!
Edited to remove personal data.
It has to be submitted by the 29th (tomorrow, Sunday).
Thank you so much for doing this for me!
Friday, April 27, 2007
Someone stop me!
It's after midnight and I can't quit scrapping! But I made a page out of my freebie papers and I just couldn't stop until it was done. I had so much fun making it! I love bright colorful pages and I think this one takes the cake:

Credits here.
Now isn't that the funnest page you've ever seen? And yes, I'm aware "funnest" isn't technically a real word, but I think it counts for this page.
But I really must be off to bed or our busy tomorrow will not be fun!
Credits here.
Now isn't that the funnest page you've ever seen? And yes, I'm aware "funnest" isn't technically a real word, but I think it counts for this page.
But I really must be off to bed or our busy tomorrow will not be fun!
A Haircut Page
Wow, I'm on a roll today. A freebie and a page all in one day! I went back for some older pictures for this one.
Credits here.
Journaling says: We waited until Ella was almost 2 1/2 to give her her first haircut. Her hair was so thin and fine that there wasn’t much to cut before that. But it had started to look scragly and
unkempt so the time finally came. I am too cheap to pay for a kid’s haircut so frugal me decided to cut it all by myself, though I’d never cut hair before in my life. I wet down her hair and dad kept her distracted while I snipped chunks of hair off. She was being so goofy the whole time, wiggling around, making faces and sticking her fingers up her nose (that was her current fun habit.) However, she didn’t do so great at holding still which left her with a really crooked cut. But after drying it I think it didn’t turn out half bad.
Does it ever frustrate you when you take the time to clean only to have it look like you didn't do a thing an hour later? I think that's why I hate to clean. What's the point when the Cheerio's under the high chair will just be there again after the next meal. Besides, I wouldn't want to deprive Alex of a snack. (Yes he eats the Cheerio's off the floor. What can I say, he'll have a strong immune system.)
This evening we did chicken on the BBQ with my sister's secret BBQ rub (McCormick Mesquite wet rub in a bottle, yum!). Then we went over to a local festival called the Scratch Ankle Festival. It was pretty small and mostly food vendors. Expensive food vendors. Luckily we'd eaten before we went. I had to break Ella's heart when I told her she couldn't go down the inflatable silde. $3!! What a rip-off. Then when we got home the balloon she'd gotten popped. I blew her up a new one, but since I don't breathe helium it just wasn't as good. Now the kids are in bed and hubby is downstairs sounding like he's destroying something. (I think he's cleaning!) So I might actually get to scrap again!
And don't forget about my freebie below!
Journaling says: We waited until Ella was almost 2 1/2 to give her her first haircut. Her hair was so thin and fine that there wasn’t much to cut before that. But it had started to look scragly and
unkempt so the time finally came. I am too cheap to pay for a kid’s haircut so frugal me decided to cut it all by myself, though I’d never cut hair before in my life. I wet down her hair and dad kept her distracted while I snipped chunks of hair off. She was being so goofy the whole time, wiggling around, making faces and sticking her fingers up her nose (that was her current fun habit.) However, she didn’t do so great at holding still which left her with a really crooked cut. But after drying it I think it didn’t turn out half bad.
Does it ever frustrate you when you take the time to clean only to have it look like you didn't do a thing an hour later? I think that's why I hate to clean. What's the point when the Cheerio's under the high chair will just be there again after the next meal. Besides, I wouldn't want to deprive Alex of a snack. (Yes he eats the Cheerio's off the floor. What can I say, he'll have a strong immune system.)
This evening we did chicken on the BBQ with my sister's secret BBQ rub (McCormick Mesquite wet rub in a bottle, yum!). Then we went over to a local festival called the Scratch Ankle Festival. It was pretty small and mostly food vendors. Expensive food vendors. Luckily we'd eaten before we went. I had to break Ella's heart when I told her she couldn't go down the inflatable silde. $3!! What a rip-off. Then when we got home the balloon she'd gotten popped. I blew her up a new one, but since I don't breathe helium it just wasn't as good. Now the kids are in bed and hubby is downstairs sounding like he's destroying something. (I think he's cleaning!) So I might actually get to scrap again!
And don't forget about my freebie below!
So I've decided to try my hand at freebie giving! I was having a little too much fun with paint and ended up with four fun colored papers. I've never created anything to share before so.... I believe they are decent quality, but please let me know what you think!

Also, if my freebie is not to your liking here is another cool one I found today. ksharonk makes the coolest stuff and this is her latest Springshine freebie. It coordinates with her new Springshine kit found here.

Check it out here.
I didn't manage to get any scrapping done last night. But I guess a set of papers this morning makes up for it! But it's time to feed my family, must go!

Link Expired.
If you really want them drop me a comment and I'll see what I can do!
If you really want them drop me a comment and I'll see what I can do!
Also, if my freebie is not to your liking here is another cool one I found today. ksharonk makes the coolest stuff and this is her latest Springshine freebie. It coordinates with her new Springshine kit found here.
Check it out here.
I didn't manage to get any scrapping done last night. But I guess a set of papers this morning makes up for it! But it's time to feed my family, must go!
Thursday, April 26, 2007
No scrapping, but other fun stuff!
So I haven't gotten around to scrapping yet today. Though I did organize all the downloaded and unzipped files on my desktop. But just so as to not deprive any loyal readers, here's another page I did a while back:
Credits here.
I made this page as a Lift with a Twist.
Mira has made another great freebie:

Go to her blog to download!
My hubby found this fun little widget that maps all the countries you been to. Here's how well traveled I am:
Kindof fun. Try it out!
Anton took a test today in his pilot training course and got 100%! I'm so proud of him! He also got a remote control plane in the mail yesterday and we went to try it out today. It kept crashing because it was too windy. One of the engines broke off and a wire came loose. It'll need repairs before it's next flight. So sad. I'd post pictures but they are still on the camera and I am wanting to try and get some scrapping time in tonight so maybe next time!
I made this page as a Lift with a Twist.
Mira has made another great freebie:

Go to her blog to download!
My hubby found this fun little widget that maps all the countries you been to. Here's how well traveled I am:
Kindof fun. Try it out!
Anton took a test today in his pilot training course and got 100%! I'm so proud of him! He also got a remote control plane in the mail yesterday and we went to try it out today. It kept crashing because it was too windy. One of the engines broke off and a wire came loose. It'll need repairs before it's next flight. So sad. I'd post pictures but they are still on the camera and I am wanting to try and get some scrapping time in tonight so maybe next time!
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
CT Entry
I'm applying for the Weeds and Wildflowers CT and this is the LO I made for it:
Journaling says: We were trying to get a photo of you for your birth announcement and you just wanted nothing to do with it. You kicked and you screamed and made the saddest little faces. We finally had to give up and use a photo from another day. But screaming or no, I still think you are the cutest little boy in the whole wide world!
Credits here.
Now, if you're reading this and are applying don't copy me! :) And if you're reading this and didn't know they were having a CT call, then pretend like I didn't say a thing. Better chances for me.
I went rollerblading today for the first time in ages. We went 5 miles, which was a bit much. Especially since I noticed at the turn around point that the jogging stroller had a flat. It wasn't fun to push after that. Wore me right out so it's definitely time for bed.
Credits here.
Now, if you're reading this and are applying don't copy me! :) And if you're reading this and didn't know they were having a CT call, then pretend like I didn't say a thing. Better chances for me.
I went rollerblading today for the first time in ages. We went 5 miles, which was a bit much. Especially since I noticed at the turn around point that the jogging stroller had a flat. It wasn't fun to push after that. Wore me right out so it's definitely time for bed.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Contest and a Page
So I finally decided to go ahead and enter the SBG Queen of the Crop contest. I debated for a long time because I rarely buy scrapbook stuff (it's amazing how much you can do with freebies and being on a CT) so I don't have much from their store to make pages with and I get far too involved in contests. So I figured I'd try and make a page for the first challenge, and if I could get something worthwhile with what I had I would enter. Well, I think it came out pretty good so I signed up. I'd post my page here but we're not supposed to until the contest starts. Wouldn't want anyone stealing my idea! :o) So I'll show off a page I did before but never posted on here.

This is actually one of the first pages I ever did and it is still one of my favorites. I love the colors and all the different expressions on Ella's face. What a cutie!
Today has been much calmer than the last few. The kids are napping nicely and I'm actually getting some things done. Nothing that needs done, of course, but things I want to do. But need to take advantage of the time. See yah!
This is actually one of the first pages I ever did and it is still one of my favorites. I love the colors and all the different expressions on Ella's face. What a cutie!
Today has been much calmer than the last few. The kids are napping nicely and I'm actually getting some things done. Nothing that needs done, of course, but things I want to do. But need to take advantage of the time. See yah!
Monday, April 23, 2007
Another Miles Kit
Here is another amazing free kit that was made in honor of little Miles. You can read about on Christinia Renee's blog and download it there too. Just remember to "pay it forward!"

Hopefully I get some scrapping in today, but we'll see. I've got a doctor's appointment later because I've had a sore throat for a few days. Hopefully it's not something serious! But baby is crying, must go tend to his every need.

Hopefully I get some scrapping in today, but we'll see. I've got a doctor's appointment later because I've had a sore throat for a few days. Hopefully it's not something serious! But baby is crying, must go tend to his every need.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Busy, Busy
It's been a busy weekend and haven't had time to scrap or post. On Saturday as I was leaving for the gym the car wouldn't start, so I was forced to miss my workout. Luckily it was just the battery. We got a nice neighbor to give us a jump and all was well. But it was too late to go workout as Anton had a study group planned. When he got home we drove down to Pensacola to go to the commissary and do some grocery shopping. It's so much cheaper to shop there than Wal-mart or the other grocery stores. Then in the evening we went to a BBQ with some of the other Warrants. I haven't been anywhere in a long time where people were drinking and smoking. Ella was entranced by the beer bong and we did our best to distract her. I kept threatening the guys that if Alex's first word was a swear word they were in trouble. It reminds me why I don't enjoy keeping company like that.
Today some cousin's of Anton's came by for a visit. We sat and chatted and had some brunch. It was interesting because they had wanted to go out for brunch but we explained that we don't go out on Sunday's so as to not cause others to work. They said they go out on Sunday so they don't have to work. It was an interesting way of looking at the same commandment from different angles. After that we headed to church. Later, right after dinner Anton had to go help some people move that were in an emergency situation and had to move today. And now we're finally getting to sit back and relax.
In scrapping news, have you seen this great free kit with an even greater message?

The Eclectic Scraps team made this kit in memory of a little boy named Miles, who died 2 years ago today. You can read about it here, on Jessica Bolton's blog and download the kit there too. Very cool.
But my contacts are fogging over so that must be my cue to quit.
Today some cousin's of Anton's came by for a visit. We sat and chatted and had some brunch. It was interesting because they had wanted to go out for brunch but we explained that we don't go out on Sunday's so as to not cause others to work. They said they go out on Sunday so they don't have to work. It was an interesting way of looking at the same commandment from different angles. After that we headed to church. Later, right after dinner Anton had to go help some people move that were in an emergency situation and had to move today. And now we're finally getting to sit back and relax.
In scrapping news, have you seen this great free kit with an even greater message?
But my contacts are fogging over so that must be my cue to quit.
Friday, April 20, 2007
Friday Finally!
I love the weekend! And ours gets to start early. Anton came home at noon today. Of course he'll study for a bit before we go and play, but it's nice to have him help calm the insanity. I managed to do more scrapping last night before going to bed, and I finished up the page this morning. He it is:

Journaling says:Whoever invented the binky ought to receive an award. Who would ever have thought that such a small item would save so many mothers from insanity. Binkies are so multi-functional -- they soothe, they quiet, they put to sleep, they temporarily satisfy hunger, and they fix the hurt. Nights would seem much longer and babies much louder without this insignificant piece of plastic and rubber. They are also so inexpensive. One can have binkies everywhere, the car, the diaper bag, the crib, and even conveniently attached to baby’s clothes. With so many uses and benefits who could afford to be without one?
I used Mira's "Fresh and Clean" kit.
Which by the way is FREE!! Check it out here. She's just getting into designing and does really cool stuff. And did I mention free? I love the colors of this one and the cool see through date elements (which I used behind the photo). She's also done a coordinating set of clear frames with are also on her blog.
So, it's naptime now for little ones so I can go do my own things. I should fold the laundry, but nah.

Journaling says:Whoever invented the binky ought to receive an award. Who would ever have thought that such a small item would save so many mothers from insanity. Binkies are so multi-functional -- they soothe, they quiet, they put to sleep, they temporarily satisfy hunger, and they fix the hurt. Nights would seem much longer and babies much louder without this insignificant piece of plastic and rubber. They are also so inexpensive. One can have binkies everywhere, the car, the diaper bag, the crib, and even conveniently attached to baby’s clothes. With so many uses and benefits who could afford to be without one?
I used Mira's "Fresh and Clean" kit.

Which by the way is FREE!! Check it out here. She's just getting into designing and does really cool stuff. And did I mention free? I love the colors of this one and the cool see through date elements (which I used behind the photo). She's also done a coordinating set of clear frames with are also on her blog.
So, it's naptime now for little ones so I can go do my own things. I should fold the laundry, but nah.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
I did it!
I managed to get some scrapping in today. Actually I pretty much ignored my family so I could finish, but sacrifices must be made for quality scrapbook pages. :o) Here it is:

Credits here.
And have you seen this super cute alpha by Doris?

It's free!! Get it here.
One of these days I might try designing something, but for now I'm content to just make my own pages. Besides, I so far behind if I start designing I'll never catch up.
As for my day, I took the kids to playgroup this morning. I planned ahead and took the pack and play for Alex so I wouldn't have to try and keep him from crawling all over the place. Two other ladies showed up and we had a fun time chatting. I spent the afternoon scrapping and then after dinner I went and worked out. I'm a member at Curves. Saturday is my one month weigh in and I don't think it's going to be too fun. I've got to quit eating the ice cream and pizza! Anyways, off to peruse the internet. Ah, the time I can waste!
Credits here.
And have you seen this super cute alpha by Doris?
It's free!! Get it here.
One of these days I might try designing something, but for now I'm content to just make my own pages. Besides, I so far behind if I start designing I'll never catch up.
As for my day, I took the kids to playgroup this morning. I planned ahead and took the pack and play for Alex so I wouldn't have to try and keep him from crawling all over the place. Two other ladies showed up and we had a fun time chatting. I spent the afternoon scrapping and then after dinner I went and worked out. I'm a member at Curves. Saturday is my one month weigh in and I don't think it's going to be too fun. I've got to quit eating the ice cream and pizza! Anyways, off to peruse the internet. Ah, the time I can waste!
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Where'd my creativity go?
I really wanted to do some scrapping today, but when I sat down at the computer nothing happened. I couldn't get inspired by any of my pictures. So again nothing new to show. Here's another page I did last week:

Credits here.
It looks like snow he's standing in, but it's really sand.
As for non-scrapping related things, I didn't do much today. It was raining all morning and the kids were either napping or being cranky the rest of the afternoon. Ella went all day without a diaper. Such a big girl. Potty training is no fun. I've read quite a bit today. A book called Labrynth. It's OK. Something to do. I was too lazy to make dinner so we had pizza. Digiornio of course. Unfortunately it wasn't a cheese stuffed crust. Those are my favorite. But I don't have much else to ramble about so this will have to do. Have a good one!
Credits here.
It looks like snow he's standing in, but it's really sand.
As for non-scrapping related things, I didn't do much today. It was raining all morning and the kids were either napping or being cranky the rest of the afternoon. Ella went all day without a diaper. Such a big girl. Potty training is no fun. I've read quite a bit today. A book called Labrynth. It's OK. Something to do. I was too lazy to make dinner so we had pizza. Digiornio of course. Unfortunately it wasn't a cheese stuffed crust. Those are my favorite. But I don't have much else to ramble about so this will have to do. Have a good one!
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
It's Late
I didn't get a chance to scrap today. It's been busy. The kids kept me on my toes. We went to the library but didn't stay long. It's a really small library and not stroller friendly, and without the stroller there would be disaster. Ella peed in the potty 3 times today. A vast improvement. The only problem is she has to be sitting in front of the TV to go. I'm going to have to install a DVD player in the bathroom. I went and worked out in the afternoon after Anton got home. Then rushed home and made dinner before leaving again to go practice with the Pensacola Sound Chorus. They're a branch of the Sweet Adelines. It's fun, but exhausting. I'm out of singing shape.
On a scrapbook note: I got turned down today for a creative team I'd applied to be on. That was a bit of a bummer. My entering a certain contest revolved around whether I got chosen or not so I won't be entering the contest. The reason is, for the contest you have to scrap pages made from stuff in their store. However, I'm cheap. So being on this girl's creative team would have gotten me her kits for free and made the contest doable. Though I was leaning towards not entering anyways because you have to pay to vote and besides Andrea, who would pay to vote for me? Anyway, enough self pity. It's late and everyone is asleep and in bed so I should probably follow suit. If there are others besides Andrea who read this drop me a comment and let me know so I can say hello to you too!
A scrapbook page from last week just for fun:
Credits here.
On a scrapbook note: I got turned down today for a creative team I'd applied to be on. That was a bit of a bummer. My entering a certain contest revolved around whether I got chosen or not so I won't be entering the contest. The reason is, for the contest you have to scrap pages made from stuff in their store. However, I'm cheap. So being on this girl's creative team would have gotten me her kits for free and made the contest doable. Though I was leaning towards not entering anyways because you have to pay to vote and besides Andrea, who would pay to vote for me? Anyway, enough self pity. It's late and everyone is asleep and in bed so I should probably follow suit. If there are others besides Andrea who read this drop me a comment and let me know so I can say hello to you too!
A scrapbook page from last week just for fun:
Monday, April 16, 2007
Page done, Finally!
Well, it took me a bit longer to finish this than I wanted. But between Baby deciding not to nap and having some friends over for dinner, I just didn't get around to finishing until tonight. But here it is. I love how bright it is.

Journaling says: I was practicing with my new camera
and Ella had to join in too. She grabbed
her pink Disney camera and was
pretending to take pictures of every-
thing I did. She looked like quite the
pro, getting close-up on the flowers
and framing her shots. I see a
photographer in the making.
BG Paper: Katie Pertiet-Ledger Sun Prints
Paper Strips: Cori Gammon-Spring it On
Photo Cluster Frame: Tracy Sims
Stamped Alpha: Nancie Rowe Janitz
Small Alpha: Mine
All Else: Heather Roselli-From my Heart
We had a fun time at dinner. It was with another one of the Flying Warrants and his wife. We ate and talked and ate some more. Anton is now trying to study and I'm doing my best to not try and distract him. So maybe I'll go scrap some more. And to my one loyal reader, Hi Andrea!!

Journaling says: I was practicing with my new camera
and Ella had to join in too. She grabbed
her pink Disney camera and was
pretending to take pictures of every-
thing I did. She looked like quite the
pro, getting close-up on the flowers
and framing her shots. I see a
photographer in the making.
BG Paper: Katie Pertiet-Ledger Sun Prints
Paper Strips: Cori Gammon-Spring it On
Photo Cluster Frame: Tracy Sims
Stamped Alpha: Nancie Rowe Janitz
Small Alpha: Mine
All Else: Heather Roselli-From my Heart
We had a fun time at dinner. It was with another one of the Flying Warrants and his wife. We ate and talked and ate some more. Anton is now trying to study and I'm doing my best to not try and distract him. So maybe I'll go scrap some more. And to my one loyal reader, Hi Andrea!!
First Day of School
Anton has his first official day of pilot training today. It still seems strange to me that we are actually doing this after all of the waiting we did. For those who don't know, he was picked up to be one of 10 Warrant Officers to be trained as pilots for the Navy. It's a huge honor and privilege and really exciting. So now it's back to the days where I get to take care of the kids by myself all day long. I've been really spoiled having Anton around so much. I forget what it's like to be the mom and homemaker.
I plan on scrapbooking later today while the kids are napping. I got some really cute pictures of Ella copying me while I was doing our little photo shoot the other day. She got out her little pink Disney camera and was pretending to snap pictures of everything I did. It was cute. So of course I'll be making a page out of it. Here's a fun picture I got from our photo shoot the other day. This one is more the real Ella than the one in my previous post. What a goof.

Anyways, must take advantage of the baby sleeping to get a shower in. See yah!
I plan on scrapbooking later today while the kids are napping. I got some really cute pictures of Ella copying me while I was doing our little photo shoot the other day. She got out her little pink Disney camera and was pretending to snap pictures of everything I did. It was cute. So of course I'll be making a page out of it. Here's a fun picture I got from our photo shoot the other day. This one is more the real Ella than the one in my previous post. What a goof.

Anyways, must take advantage of the baby sleeping to get a shower in. See yah!
Sunday, April 15, 2007
The First
Well, I've done it. Joined the ranks of the world of bloggers. I wanted a place to post my scrapbook pages and to ramble on about whatever I so choose. So here we go. I made a page last night about my daughter, Ella. I was practicing with my new camera and got some great shots of her. But as I was looking through the pictures I realized how much she has grown up. So I decided to make a page about it.

So that's my first post. How'd I do?
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