Wednesday, March 26, 2008

I got my first job!

I just wanted to hop in here and say that I got my first scoping job yesterday! I started posting ads on Friday and already I've had two inquires, one of which led to a job. I've been working on it like a mad woman. Hopefully I can finish it tomorrow. It wasn't the easiest first job to start with, but it all adds up to experience in the end. So hooray for me! My business might actually work its way out the red some day!


  1. Yeah!! Congratulations!! I hope you get it all finished too!! Hope it's all done today!! Maybe?

  2. Congratulations!!!! I am so happy for you.

  3. Congrats, I bet it feels great after all that work and long hours learning the material. Best wishes getting your business off and running!

  4. Nice job! The computer motion sickness is paying off!


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