We love going to things like county fairs and such. So when the fair rolled around this year we made sure to go. Unfortunately, though, we managed to get there right in between all the shows and such. So we wandered a bit, ate some over-priced junk food, let the kids ride a ride, and called it a night.
But of course we managed to take a few pictures to share with all of you. The kids rode their usual ride, the merry-go-round. Though I guess technically it's called a carousel. It's the one they always choose. We like it because the parents get to go on for free.

I got nominated to be the token parent while Anton stood taking pictures.

Look at us good-lookin' girls!

And this is one of those pictures where I look at it and say, "Where did my baby go?" He looks all grown up here! Stop that. No more growing. You may become potty trained, but you are not allowed to get any bigger or speak any more words! Sigh.
The kids also both got balloon sculptures; Alex, a hat:

And Ella, a flower:

We wanted to see the hypnotist show and eat a funnel cake (what is a fair without a funnel cake?) but we ran out of money. That's really easy to do at a fair. I've decided that I'm going to open a concession stand at the fair and it will be called "Fair Prices at the Fair." None of this $4 for a hot dog thing. Get your $1 hot dogs here! I will make a bundle because everyone will buy their food from me.
Anyway. That was our fun night at the fair.